什么是好的睡眠 and how much do I need?


Be honest — how often do you get a truly good night’s sleep? If the answer is “not often enough,” read on to understand why nighttime slumber is so important.

睡眠 is when important processing, restoration and strengthening occur throughout your immune, 紧张, 骨骼和肌肉系统, according to the National 睡眠 Foundation. Good sleep benefits your whole body including your heart and brain with effects such as improved mood, 记忆和推理. 


The amount of sleep each person needs will vary, but the National 睡眠 Foundation recommends at least:

  • 14-17 hours for newborns (0-3 months)
  • 12-15 hours for infants (4-11 months)
  • 1岁和2岁的孩子11-14小时 
  • 3到5岁的孩子10到13个小时
  • 6到13岁的孩子9到11个小时
  • 8-10 hours for 14- to 17-year-olds
  • 成人7-9小时
  • 65岁及以上的成年人7-8小时

When you sleep, your brain processes all the information it has taken in throughout the day. That’s one reason babies and children who have lots of new experiences each day need more sleep than adults.

Other factors besides age also influence how much sleep you need. 例如, you might need more sleep if you’re sick or if your sleep is interrupted more often than usual, 比如在怀孕期间, 早育或更年期.


In addition to quantity, the quality of sleep you get is important. Tossing and turning in bed for 12 hours won’t be as good for you as seven uninterrupted hours of sleep. 

Quality sleep needs to be of adequate duration, restorative so you feel energized in the morning, consolidated and at appropriate times. That means you need several continuous hours of restful sleep each night.

Ideally, you want to go through multiple cycles of all five sleep stages. The stages start with feeling drowsy and advance through deeper sleep until you reach rapid eye movement or REM sleep — when your brain is the most active and dreaming occurs. It’s during this stage that learning and memory are affected. 


It’s never too early to learn about good nighttime habits. Teaching your kids about sleep hygiene will help the whole family get better rest.

Set and keep specific bedtimes and wake-up times and stick to a consistent schedule as much as possible.

你的身体喜欢例行公事. These schedules help regulate hormones and take advantage of your natural circadian rhythms.

Are you a weekend sleep warrior who crams more sleep in on certain days? 那可能弊大于利. 事实上, a recent study found that people with irregular sleep patterns can have increased risk for some serious health conditions.

People whose sleep problems persist despite their best efforts should see a medical professional to rule out breathing or health issues.

Your bedroom can help you get better sleep. Try to make your bed as comfortable as possible, keep your room at a cool temperature and avoid unnecessary bright light and technology use before bedtime.