Upping your step count, even in small amounts, may increase life span


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(Fly View Productions/E+ via Getty Images)

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加1,000 or even 500 steps to your daily routine could lead to a longer life, 新的研究表明.

Experts have long endorsed walking as a free and easy way for people to get a wide variety of health benefits, 包括改善睡眠, prevention of weight gain and reduced risks for serious conditions like heart disease, 中风和糖尿病.

而健身应用通常建议每天锻炼10小时,每天000步, 专家表示,改善健康没有神奇的数字. 仍然, a group of European researchers wanted to get a clearer idea of how many steps might help people live longer.

The research team analyzed 17 studies that gathered data on step counts, deaths from all causes and specifically from cardiovascular problems. The 226,899 adults in the studies were followed for an average of 7.1年.

每增加1,000 steps taken daily by the studies' participants was associated with a 22% lower chance of dying from all causes, 研究人员计算出. Each 500-step increment was linked to a 7% drop in cardiovascular-related deaths.

当研究人员观察步数的中位数时, walking more – especially a lot more – seemed to have a greater connection to reduced death rates.

相比之下,一组人的伐木量几乎为4,每天000步, 通过以下方式降低了任何原因造成的死亡风险:

- 5,500步49%;

– 55% for 7,400 steps; and

- 67%,每天11500步.

For deaths from cardiovascular causes, compared with about 2,350 steps a day, risk fell by:

- 4000步16%;

– 49% for 6,700; and

- 67%,每天10400步.

The study will be presented Saturday at the 美国心脏协会's 科学会议 being held in Chicago and virtually. The 发现 are considered preliminary until the full results are published in a peer-reviewed journal.

"The message is you don't need to walk a lot to get large benefits. Walking just 1,000 extra steps a day can be very important," said Dr. 该研究的主要作者Maciej 巴拿赫说. “显然,越多越好."

关键是要有规律地做. 巴拿赫, 心脏病, said he tells his sedentary patients to look for any opportunity to increase their steps. He tells them to leave the car at home and walk to nearby destinations whenever possible.

“这太简单了. But the important thing is you can't just do it for one week or one month. 在你的余生中,你应该每天都走路,巴拿赫说, head of the department of preventive cardiology and lipidology at the Medical University of Lodz in Poland.

巴拿赫 said the study was limited by the fact that it was based on observation, 而不是测试特定的干预措施, 也无法证明因果关系. The potential benefits of extra daily steps need to be studied in well-designed, 不同人群的随机对照试验, 他说.

阿曼达Paluch, 谁没有参与这项研究, said the study provides quantitative evidence of the benefits of walking and reminds us that "any small improvement can be meaningful for your health, 特别是如果你现在不活跃的话."

She urged medical professionals to try to motivate patients to be physically active.

“患者重视医生的建议. Taking just a few seconds to encourage active lifestyles can be meaningful,帕鲁克说。, assistant professor in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

而这项研究关注的是寿命和锻炼, Paluch said people should think about walking as a way to lengthen their "health span."

"It's not just about quantity of years, but quality of years lived," s他说. “积极运动可以延长与孙子孙女玩耍的健康年龄, 完成更多遗愿清单上的旅行, 简单地享受没有疾病负担的日常生活."

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